Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bath - Roman Baths

Bath is an absolutely gorgeous city. We headed straight out to Stonehenge first, but when we got back we went to the Roman Baths which were also gorgeous.

The Romans built the baths over natural hot springs and they became a popular spa area. They were also associated with the goddess Minerva and people routinely chucked money and, apparently, curses (“Docimedis has lost two gloves. He asks that the person who has stolen them should lose his minds and his eyes in the temple where she appoints”) into the water.

The frigiderium –a bath filled with freezing cold water– may be the prettiest of all the baths. Sadly, I don’t have a good picture of it since it’s in a dark underground room, but it’s a large, round pool with incredibly clear green water that sparkles like hell because people toss in money like it’s a fountain (2p from me) and the light glances off.

And here's Alyssa, Lisa and I with our audio guides which look like first generation cell phones.

1 comment:

  1. jess dont know if you ever got the other comments I made?? wanted you to know that Shellys daughters name is ROWAN named for the rowan tree that grows in stonhendge...she would love to go there sometime....she is stationed in Cuba right now....
    love reading you blog

    Lova ya

    aunt Jan
