Saturday, February 14, 2009


“Stonehenge is one of the most famous and mysterious of all prehistoric monuments. A temple of unequalled importance, it represents an extraordinary testament to the achievements of prehistoric engineering.”

It took a 5+ hour train ride across half of Wales and into England, but I made it to Stonehenge. It’s on the Salisbury Plain, which seems to be one of the only flat areas of land in the UK, and it’s pretty amazing. Huge stones that were dragged from quarries miles and miles away. Built between 2500 and 1500 BC.

Here's an artist rendering of what it would have looked like when first built.

Closer up.

You can see the Slaughter Stone here. It’s the one flat on the ground before the actual circle of upright stones. They call it the Slaughter Stone because it has a red tint and people have theorized that it was used for bloody ritual sacrifices. The less exciting theory is that the red color is due to iron ore.

Stonehenge is also, like most things, surrounded by sheep.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess,
    We miss you. Looks like you're having a great time though. Everything's more fun when you're surrounded by sheep. Liz keeps trying to climb to her doom and Liddy has decided she wants to be an acrobat. For training she walks around the house in tights pointing her toes and jumping on the furniture. I may have enough sky miles to drop her off with you...that'd be okay, right?
