Monday, February 2, 2009

In Class

First modules (classes) today. I just had Web Development. There is a huge discrepancy between the number of girls and guys. It’s about 150 people and maybe 15 of us were girls. The professor has informed us that he locks the doors as soon as class starts so you can’t be late. Luckily, I always get to campus early because I have no idea where I’m going and I need about 10 extra minutes to find my lecture hall. Buildings here have a very odd structure. Certain staircases only go between certain floors so you have to find the right one.

We have lecture a few times a week and then smaller seminars for longer periods every two weeks or so. Practically your whole mark (grade) depends on how you do on the finals. They count for about 70%. And then 30% for a paper. Everyone says a 70%in the whole module is a 1st (A) and is pretty much impossible to get. I do not see this ending well.

We had a little snow here and everyone says it’s really usual. There wasn’t even any sticking to the ground and one of my classes was canceled due to weather! Dad sent me this lovely picture from home so I can properly appreciate what bad weather is.

I'm in my new, permanent room in Glyndwr. I’ve got 4 roommates. Lisa is from BG too, Liza is from Canada, Marena is from Finland, and Lucy is from the Czech Republic. We share 2 bathrooms and a kitchen and we all have our own rooms. I’ve ripped apart my old Heroes calendar and put all the pictures up together so it looks like a really long poster going across my whole wall. And, of course, there's my Pirates of the Caribbean blanket.

Bought a cheap phone with 2p international minutes.

Finally got my laptop to work. Tech support had to put me on the network and do something to my proxy settings.


  1. We had staircases like that at CSU, too. I used to have nightmares when my office was on the 18th floor that there would be a fire and I would pick the wrong staircase...but don't worry, you'll be fine. Missing you. Liz is walking but only for us - never when company comes. Liddy asks me almost daily if it's summer yet and then adds, "Auntie will be home when it's summer". In Welsh news, we've started Torchwood season 2. Be good but have fun. Remember: safe trumps happy, but happy trumps just about anything else. Love ya.

  2. Do not worry about grades (too much) most study abroad credit transfers back as pass/fail.
    I keep reading all of these news reports that everything has slowed down in Wales and England because of all the snow!

  3. Don't worry about your grades, just have fun!

    The staircases remind me of Hogwarts...
