Saturday, February 28, 2009


Went out to Cardiff this weekend. That’s the capital city of Wales. It’s pretty much as far south as you can get in Wales. There were lots of places to shop, and we also visited Cardiff Castle. It’s another one of those castles that are sort of crumbling, so they were doing some structural work on parts of it, but it was still nice. We walked along the ramparts and up the top of the main tower, which has a moat around it.

It’s a pretty big castle and there’s an enclosed courtyard with the actual living quarters inside, more like a manor.

There was also a little museum for the Welsh military. Apparently they had a goat as their mascot and there were about seven incarnations of Taffy either mounted on the walls or fully stuffed. And there was some kind of machine gun thing outside.

I was a complete geek and went to the Doctor Who exhibit. Doctor Who is very culturally important to the UK!! Carolyn understood, but Alyssa clearly thought we were crazy. For anyone else who cares about British/Welsh sci-fi (anyone?) I have pictures of the TARDIS and Daleks and other random stuff. And I made sure to get a picture of myself on the Torchwood invisible lift in front of the fountain outside the Millennium Center.

Moving away from my geekout, we saw the Millennium Center where they perform plays and opera and things.

We stayed round until it was dark so we could see everything all lit up and it was very pretty.

If you cut the wording in half diagonally, you can see the Welsh writing on the left of the building and then the English translation on the right which says, “in these stones horizons sing.”

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    It's so cool that you got to do Torchwood stuff! We just finished Season 2. There is one problem with your picture though, you're not standing in the right spot. I know for sure because we can see you.
