Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pub Quiz

Just hung out in Aber this weekend. Some of the other international students in our building invited us over for a Spanish food night. Before it actually started, there was an incident with cooking oil and the fire brigade had to come. Nothing really burned though. It was just smoke, and the tacos were totally worth it. Also, yummy pina coladas.

Sunday is pub quiz night and now that I know this I’m going to have to go all the time. A group of us went down to The Cambrian and entered. It’s mostly like playing trivia with an entire pub of people and if you win you get shots. The best part is the cocktail rounds where they give everyone a sip of a mystery cocktail and you have to guess what drink it is and what it’s made of.

Then, there are normal categories like famous people, movies/television, science, geography, music, art/literature and general knowledge. As international students, we pretty much failed the British questions, but we did good on other things, and I totally knew the answers to the questions about 24 and The Backstreet Boys (wait, that's kind of sad...). I found it hilarious that the question about 24 was in the general knowledge section instead of the movies/television. It was ‘what drug was Jack Bauer addicted to during season 3?’ The answer was heroin, but the bartender gave extra points if anyone answered nothing, heroin was addicted to Jack Bauer. Haha, Wales loves Jack Bauer.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, has 24 season 7 started there yet? Because it's going really well so far. I hope Wales likes season 7. :P

